
Cabling | Connectivity

Successful completion of a high-profile installation

This project is a testament to our commitment to excellence, requiring our skilled engineers to deliver precision, expertise and high...

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Challenges faced during a data centre relocation

Data centre relocations are extremely complex processes, and when not planned meticulously can be extremely high risk for organisations. Today’s...

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The role of cloud computing in a data centre relocation

The role of cloud computing in a data centre relocation may not have been a consideration that you immediately think...

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Understanding the logistics of data centre relocations

Relocation to a data centre is a multifaceted process, requiring extensive planning to ascertain a precise execution. At Data Installation...

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Understanding how 5G can impact Indoor Cellular Coverage

If your organisation is struggling with indoor cellular coverage, you may be anticipating that as 5G is rolled out your...

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Are mobile signal boosters legal in the UK?

Today’s blog discusses the question on many organisations lips when they begin the process of enhancing their indoor cellular coverage:  ...

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Poor indoor cellular coverage affecting employees and visitors

Inferior cellular coverage is an issue that not only impacts business operations, but it is also an issue affecting both...

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Understanding how digital signage can improve internal communications

Digital Signage is a versatile solution that can not only enhance internal communications, but ensures employees are well-informed, engaged and...

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Connectivity | Latest Work

Cabinet Relocation

Customer Challenge: Our customer, a leading Manufacturing company, approached Data Installation & Supplies to request that we relocate their server...

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Connectivity | News

How do you start your digital transformation?

How do you start our digital transformation journey? This is perhaps a question that as a business you may be...

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