Security Services

Managed Firewall Service

What are firewalls?

Protect your traffic from the internet.

Firewalls are important devices that assist in your network security.  They are responsible for monitoring all your internal and external traffic coming into and going out of your network and will either allow or deny traffic, based upon a defined set of rules.

The purpose of a firewall is to differentiate between trusted and untrusted traffic and your firewall will block any traffic that it deems to be potentially malicious and could cause harm to your network or gain access to your business data.


Protect your resources from 3rd parties and hackers

As a business you may be concerned that you don’t have the internal resource to manage your firewalls, with their constant need for monitoring and updating to best secure your network.


Data Installation & Supplies offers a managed firewall service for your business, with a 24x7x365 service which continuously manages and monitors your firewalls, with the rules being checked and any alerts or traffic identified as causing concern will be examined and advised on.

We offer two solutions to best meet the requirements of your business… The first and our recommended solution is that we direct all your internet traffic through our managed firewall, the second is that we can manage your on-premises firewall.

Both managed solutions offer the same level of security and protection, reducing any worries, especially considering how quickly security is evolving, due to threat and risk and the importance of keeping your firewall up to date, to mitigate the danger of intrusion to your business.

We have multiple different ways to detect any threats and can make the correct configurations to best secure your network.

Take a few moments to read all the information on our Managed Firewall Service provided across this page and our related insight pages, watch the short video clip, download our whitepaper and then please get in touch with us as we would love the opportunity to discuss your individual business requirements with you further, please contact Data Installation & Supplies on 01274 869 099 or


Further Information

Do firewalls stop hackers?

Firewalls monitor your inbound and outbound traffic; they work by closing off many of the potential entry points & security weaknesses that hackers use to attempt to breach your network.

Whilst we would never profess that a firewall will 100% stop network breaches because they won’t stop users from clicking internal links which could be of a malicious nature they do play a key role in preventing hackers.

What type of business can benefit from firewalls?

Businesses of all sizes can and will benefit from a firewall.

Firewalls aren’t only beneficial to large organisations, they are suitable for businesses of all sizes and across all sectors, as they will protect your data, users and customers by acting as a gateway, through analysis of all incoming and outgoing traffic, determining whether the traffic is malicious or safe and restricting access if it deems it unsafe.

Partnering with


Data Installation & Supplies strive to fully understand the challenges faced by our customers.

We will discuss exactly what has led your business to consider implementing a new, or improved solution, liaising in depth to discover the driving force for the business.


Following our complete understanding of the challenges or the resolution you’re aiming for we can discuss appropriate solutions.

Whether this be offering a resolution to assist an existing problem and advise of the changes that are required, or an original solution for something your business is looking to achieve.


When the design is agreed and your business is completely satisfied with our proposed solutions then contracts will be signed.

We will take full control of the project, liaising with both your business and any service providers who will carry out surveys and any external aspects such as line installations.


We pride ourselves on our support contracts, which are tailored to meet your specific business requirements.

Our Support contracts cover Hardware Support, Software Support, Physical Security Support and Planned Preventative Maintenance.

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