Security Services


What is EDR…

And why is it important?…

EDR, also referred to as Endpoint Detection & Response is a solution that we are pleased to offer within our suite of Security Professional Services.

The Purpose of EDR is for the IT Security team to detect and respond to any identified threats, as a result of the continual monitoring of your end-user devices.

Without EDR monitoring the threats that are detected would otherwise go unnoticed, with no traceability and awareness that a cyber criminal is within your organisation’s network.

Threat alerts that

Easily manage your endpoints

EDR presents a great first line of defence to your organisation, using real time monitoring of your network, it detects threats that could have the potential to cause harm.

One question that you may be asking is how can endpoints pose a threat to businesses and the simple answer is that every single device that can connect to your network has the potential to risk your security.

This has been seen on an increasing scale following the increase of remote working and BYOD as endpoints are a popular choice for the hackers to target.


Take a few moments to read all the information on EDR provided across this page and our related insight pages and download our whitepaper.

Then please get in touch with us as we would love the opportunity to discuss your individual business requirements with you further, please contact Data Installation & Supplies on 01274 869 099 or

Further information


What are endpoints?

An endpoint is any device that can be connected to a network, with examples including, but not limited to:

  • Laptops,
  • Desktop computers
  • Mobile phones
  • Servers IoT devices,
  • Switches
  • Printers

Why is security important for organisations with remote workers?

With the increase in remote working practices, organisations have come to appreciate the importance of cyber security even more.

It’s so important to be aware of your private, sensitive data and how best to safeguard it, there are several questions you should be asking yourself, but an important one is:

  • How are you making sure remote employees endpoints have the most appropriate security controls installed

Why, is this so important, well one of the common ways that a hacker will try to attack your organisation is via an endpoint, in turn gaining access into your network.


What Are
The Benefits?

Identify threats

EDR can detect and prevent threats as a result of continuous monitoring in real-time.

Increased visibility

EDR provides your organisation with increased visibility of your various endpoints, which increases the response time.

Data Analytics

EDR can collect data, in turn it can begin to understand what is ‘normal’ behaviour, therefore quickly identifying abnormalities.

Identify threats

EDR can detect and prevent threats as a result of continuous monitoring in real-time.

Increased visibility

EDR provides your organisation with increased visibility of your various endpoints, which increases the response time.

Data Analytics

EDR can collect data, in turn it can begin to understand what is ‘normal’ behaviour, therefore quickly identifying abnormalities.

Partnering with


Data Installation & Supplies strive to fully understand the challenges faced by our customers.

We will discuss exactly what has led your business to consider implementing a new, or improved solution, liaising in depth to discover the driving force for the business.


Following our complete understanding of the challenges or the resolution you’re aiming for we can discuss appropriate solutions.

Whether this be offering a resolution to assist an existing problem and advise of the changes that are required, or an original solution for something your business is looking to achieve.


When the design is agreed and your business is completely satisfied with our proposed solutions then contracts will be signed.

We will take full control of the project, liaising with both your business and any service providers who will carry out surveys and any external aspects such as line installations.


We pride ourselves on our support contracts, which are tailored to meet your specific business requirements.

Our Support contracts cover Hardware Support, Software Support, Physical Security Support and Planned Preventative Maintenance.

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