Why we’re pleased to be supporting HMDS

Data Installation & Supplies (DIS) are committed to both social responsibility and to supporting people within our local community, helping and offering our support where we can…

With DIS, we’re more than just a name, we hope to go further with our support than just seeing it as a business transaction. We like to align our company values and mission with helping to create a positive impact within our community.

This is why we’re proud to announce that we are supporting HMDS (Haematological Malignancy Diagnostic Service) in Leeds by sponsoring their upcoming challenge of hiking the Yorkshire Three Peaks on Saturday 6th July 2024.

View the Just Giving page here.

The HMDS team are an incredible team who deliver diagnosis, monitoring and research for patients with blood cancers in Leeds and beyond and the challenge they are completing is done with the intention to raise as much money as possible for the Friends of the Leeds Centre for Leukaemia, Lymphoma and Myeloma.

This charity has been very supportive of the HMDS department over many years, funding much needed equipment and supporting staff training opportunities, so the HMDS team are kean to raise much needed funds for this exceptional charity.

Before we go into detail about the sponsired hike, we’ll tell you a little more about The Friends of the Leeds Centre for Leukaemia, Lymphoma and Myeloma.

The charity assists in the relief of persons suffering from leukaemia and other blood disorders by promoting research into such disorders and by assisting in the furnishing, equipping and maintaining a ward in Leeds for the use of people suffering from these disorders from wherever they may come. The additional aim is to give added value to the services already provided by the NHS.

You can find out more about the charity and their work here.

Now, let’s tell you about the hike and who we will be supporting…

34 members of the HMDS team are embarking on the Yorkshire Three Peaks challenge which is 24-miles (38.6km) round trip route, and includes 1585m (5200ft) of ascent.

The Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge takes on the peaks of Pen-y-Ghent (694 metres), Whernside (736 metres) and Ingleborough (723 metres), usually in this order, and in under 12 hours. These hills form part of the Pennine range, and encircle the head of the valley of the River Ribble, in the Yorkshire Dales National Park. (Data Sourced)

Here’s a few words from Amy, one of the HMDS team:

“I’ve always wanted to take on a big challenge but never really got round to it.  When the opportunity to do this alongside my friends and colleagues at HMDS came along, I knew this was the challenge for me. The thought of raising funds for such a fantastic charity and not letting my supporters down will spur me on, maybe with a little encouragement from the rest of the team! I’m not sure I realised how big of a challenge this was; this will be the furthest I have ever walked and it’s really putting my fitness to the test. The training has been tough but fun, with a great team spirit and now, having finally broken in my new walking boots, I’m excited to get out onto the peaks and just go for it!”

The whole team here at DIS are looking forward to following the HMDS team, whilst training in the run up to the event and on the day of the event itself (06.07.2023.)

We’ll be sharing updates on both our website and across our social media pages, however for more information about the fundraising campaign, or if you’d like to get involved in donating or just sharing the details of the Just Giving page amongst your friends and connections, please see the page here.

So, good luck to the team and we can’t wait to see you hiking in the T-shirts designed and sponsored by DIS!