Understanding how Business Video Intelligence works

Today, most complex business processes are tracked with reams of data from various sources… But still gaps remain, where there are no sensors, logs, or visual information.

These gaps can lead to losses and waste considerable unexploited potential.

With Business Video Intelligence we can close those information gaps. Through a 5-stage process, which will be detailed below to help you gain an understanding of how Business Video Intelligence works.

If you’d like an overview of Business Video Intelligence, click here.

Before we discuss the 5-stage process we’ll create a scenario…

Company sector: E-commerce fashion retailer. 

Situation: B2C- Customer orders 5 items, all which need to be picked and packed into a parcel.

How Business Video Intelligence works:

Video Data:

Qognify, provides a VMS solution, which records data in its most basic form, positioned in key areas within your warehouse, for the scenario this would be above the pack bench … This pack bench can either be manual (where you have an employee packing the items) or an automated warehouse- either can be supported by Business Video Intelligence…

A camera is placed above the bench (click here to better understand how BVI works on forklift scenario) and records the picking/ packing happening.

Now, as an organisation you will have an existing WMS, ERP, etc you will already have data of that process, such as a ‘start pick/ start pack’ event, this then coincides with the next stage, Scanning Data…

Scanning Data:

As the items arrive at the bench (either manually or through a sorter), each item will be scanned and placed into the parcel. This creates an event, you’ve got the location, the event (e.g. scan item to parcel) and any information that is logged within your WMS (or alternative system.)

This information is great, however, when you need to prove a genuine claim or disprove a potentially fraudulent claim, that data is fantastic.

But it doesn’t necessarily prove that the item has in fact been packed, even though your WMS says it has…

However, with BVI you now have the video data to prove it, so in the most simplistic terms, it synchronises the two video and scanning data together…

Data Sync:

As you receive a complaint, or need to investigate an item that has been claimed as missing, you now have the two forms of data to challenge.

BVI enables you to search using numerous criteria, such as typing in either order number or Unique ID of an item, or however your items/ orders are identified.  Instantly (<1 second) BVI takes you to both the time, date, and camera of the event…

Customer Service Agent types in the either order number or Unique ID and this would be synced up to the scanner (as close as seeing the red light from the scanner) they click ‘play’, and they are able to watch the process take place…

Data Review:

In this scenario, you could type in the order number, see the full order displaying the 5 items, you can click on the top item and watch the full packing process (similarly you can view just one item.) You will see the items being packed, weighed, sealed, and placed onto a conveyor belt, giving you the assurance that 5 items were in fact packed and sealed correctly…


What can then be done is your team can challenge the customer. By linking the footage you have of the item being packed and sealed correctly and match this up with the Proof of Delivery photo from the courier, viewing the condition of the parcel on the customer’s doorstep.

If all is correct, no damage to the parcel, this then gives you the evidence of a fraudulent claim.

Just as importantly, if the parcel arrives open/ damaged in any way you can transfer this to the courier as in-shipping damage.

BVI can also prove legitimacy of a customer claim. You can view the footage and you may find that you have an internal shrinkage problem, or an operational problem resulting in short shipping which can be addressed internally. Likewise a mistake may have occurred and an item genuinely mis-packed.

Importantly, enabling you to resolve your customer claim quickly, resulting in higher customer satisfaction.

Today’s insight indents to give you an understanding of how Business Video Intelligence works and to summarise… BVI provides the facility to search video data alongside WMS data, synchronising the two, to support your investigations quickly and efficiently…

If you would like to further understand or receive a demonstration of the solution please contact Data Installation & Supplies (DIS) on 01274 869 099 or info@disnorth.com.


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