The Benefits of MPLS

As a business you will be keen to deploy the most appropriate networking solution to best meet your needs.

A technology that Data Installation & Supplies offer to our customers is MPLS.  So today’s insight is going to be an overview introduction to the overriding benefits of MPLS to business.

Which in a nutshell can be broken down into three key areas, security, scalability and quality of service.

Benefits for your business

The benefits to MPLS begin with security…  It will be agreed that the security of any technology needs to be at the forefront of operations.

With MPLS a key security benefit is that as soon as the traffic goes into the MPLS network the way in which the labelling system works means that the traffic will only ever be seen by your network.

Likewise you won’t see any external traffic and you don’t have to go across the internet to link your sites.

This removes the complexities of alternative technologies such as SSL VPN or SD-WAN.

Secondly, we’ll look at scalability and the flexibility that MPLS offers to business…

With MPLS it provides businesses with the ability to add and/or remove further sites easily as required.

With varying contract terms which can be lifted and shifted if you company closes a site and opens in another location.

The third benefit of MPLS to your business is the ability to apply quality of service through centralised telephony or video solutions.

We can not only pass the traffic around the network securely, but without the interference or disruption to the quality of the traffic.

As a result of not using internet provision, you can manipulate and prioritise traffic.

However with alternative technologies that utilise the public cloud there is no guaranteed quality of service.

As with most solutions MPLS isn’t a one size fits all, to determine the most appropriate solution to your business please get in touch with Data Installation & Supplies on 01274 869 099 or

We will gain an understanding of your business operations and needs.

We can tailor the most appropriate connectivity solution to best meet your requirements.


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