Cloud & Data

Private Cloud

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What is Private Cloud?

A cloud solution exclusive to your business, with no sharing of resources.

A private cloud is a model that is dedicated exclusively to the end user organisation, protected behind a firewall, with no sharing of resource.

Traditionally, a private cloud was hosted by an organisation on premise, however increasingly organisations are now using third-party owned data centres that offer high levels of security, combined with dedicated infrastructure and storage.

Digital Transformation

Driving forward with Private Cloud…

When it comes to your organisation’s digital transformation, private cloud is an option that offers you the same high level of security and control as traditional on-premise infrastructure.

Private Cloud gives your business the same features as those found within the public cloud, including scalability and OpEx pricing, additionally providing complete control over the infrastructure.

This is because both the hardware and the software are dedicated exclusively to your business, which in some circumstances is essential to meet compliance and regulatory requirements,

Particularly considering examples such as workloads including confidential documents and sensitive data which are not accessible to any third-party.

Take a few moments to read all the information on Public Cloud provided across this page and our related insight pages, watch the short video clip, download our white paper and then please get in touch with us as we would love the opportunity to discuss your individual business requirements with you further, please contact Data Installation & Supplies on 01274 869 099 or

Further information


Where can my Private Cloud sit?

When it comes to making the decision to migrate to a Private Cloud, with its own dedicated infrastructure, there are two options that can best suit your needs.

The first is on-premises, where you purchase and fully own all aspects of the hardware, including full responsibility for it’s maintenance and upkeep.

Alternatively, you can choose colocation, which is where your infrastructure is situated within a secure data centre, with the same capabilities as if your hardware was stored on-premises, whilst letting someone else take responsibility for the upkeep.

Find out more about colocation here.

Can a Private Cloud support my IT Requirements?

A Private Cloud solution is a single tenant solution, this means that the digital infrastructure is exclusive to one organisation, regardless of whether it is hosted on-prem or within a data centre.

As a result of this your data will sit behind your firewall, which is only accessible to users within your organisation, with no sharing of resource, which in turn increases the level of security of your sensitive business data.

Furthermore, you will have full control over the security and can secure your data according to your business guidelines, or to adhere to regulatory compliance standards that you are governed by.

What Are
The Benefits?

Highly Secure

Private Clouds provide your organisation with increased control over the security of your data with access gained through secure and private links as opposed to over the public internet.

Single Tenant

Private Cloud enables your organisation to have sole-use of the cloud environment, all resources are dedicated to your business, with no sharing of any resource.


Private Clouds are prevalent for organisations that require regulatory compliance due to the benefits relating to the security and control that an organisation has over its infrastructure.


Private Clouds offer the flexibility to enable your employees to utilise their workloads within the cloud environment, whilst also tailoring the environment to meet your organisation’s requirements.


Private Cloud offers your organisation increased scalability, particularly if you choose Data Centre (Colocation) hosting, as you can increase servers and/ or storage as required.

Highly Secure

Private Clouds provide your organisation with increased control over the security of your data with access gained through secure and private links as opposed to over the public internet.

Single Tenant

Private Cloud enables your organisation to have sole-use of the cloud environment, all resources are dedicated to your business, with no sharing of any resource.


Private Clouds are prevalent for organisations that require regulatory compliance due to the benefits relating to the security and control that an organisation has over its infrastructure.


Private Clouds offer the flexibility to enable your employees to utilise their workloads within the cloud environment, whilst also tailoring the environment to meet your organisation’s requirements.


Private Cloud offers your organisation increased scalability, particularly if you choose Data Centre (Colocation) hosting, as you can increase servers and/ or storage as required.

Partnering with


Data Installation & Supplies strive to fully understand the challenges faced by our customers.

We will discuss exactly what has led your business to consider implementing a new, or improved solution, liaising in depth to discover the driving force for the business.


Following our complete understanding of the challenges or the resolution you’re aiming for we can discuss appropriate solutions.

Whether this be offering a resolution to assist an existing problem and advise of the changes that are required, or an original solution for something your business is looking to achieve.


When the design is agreed and your business is completely satisfied with our proposed solutions then contracts will be signed.

We will take full control of the project, liaising with both your business and any service providers who will carry out surveys and any external aspects such as line installations.


We pride ourselves on our support contracts, which are tailored to meet your specific business requirements.

Our Support contracts cover Hardware Support, Software Support, Physical Security Support and Planned Preventative Maintenance.

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Cloud & Data

Private Cloud
