Cloud & Data

Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS)

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What is Disaster Recovery as a Service?

A cloud solution built with business continuity at the forefront.

Businesses are becoming increasingly aware of their responsibility towards protecting their data and the implications of being caught out, because the potential for devastating loss of your business data through cyber-attack, environmental events, or technology failure is incomprehensible.

Don’t get caught out

Cloud recovery safeguarding your business

It’s important that your business is protected if disaster strikes, this is where Disaster Recovery as a Service comes in.

This cloud-based recovery service replicates production of your applications within the cloud, both safely and securely, which mitigates any loss in data or business activity, with a range of solutions to meet your budget and business requirements, based on Recovery Point Objectives and Recovery Time Objectives.

These elements measure the timescales that individual solutions offer to recover your data or functions, both important points to consider when choosing the most appropriate Disaster Recovery solution for your individual business requirements, find out more by clicking here.

The enterprise grade protection that our Disaster Recovery as a Service cloud solution provides to customers ensures peace of mind.

Keeping you safe in the knowledge that your data and applications are protected, leaving you free to focus on your everyday business activities.

With Disaster Recovery as a Service you will benefit from OpEx pricing, meaning that you will only pay for what you require.  There is no capital expenditure required and no need to pay for over provisioning as you will only be charged a standby rate when you are not in failover mode, so the full price for DRaaS will only be charged when you are actively utilising the service.

Take a few moments to read all the information on Disaster Recovery as a Service provided across this page and our related insight pages, watch the short video clip, download our white paper and then please get in touch with us as we would love the opportunity to discuss your individual business requirements with you further, please contact Data Installation & Supplies on 01274 869 099 or

Further information


What’s the difference between DRaaS and BaaS?

Simply put BaaS is where you have a copy of your data, whereas DRaaS is the plan that you have in place to recover your data if it were to be compromised.

Backups are a way to recover your lost data, whether that be down to failure, virus, fire, human error, or cyber-attack.

However it’s just as important to have a strategy in place for recovering

Although different solutions, the two work synonymously together to support business continuity should a disaster occur.

Find out more by clicking here.

Can DRaaS support business continuity?

Disaster Recovery as a Service, also known and referred to as DRaaS is a cloud solution that is available to businesses of all sizes and allows for business continuity, so in the event of disaster, DRaaS becomes your protection, not to mention your back up plan!

There are many situations that DRaaS may need to be called upon, many times the reasoning is out of your control and because of fire, flood, natural disaster, or unfortunately malicious intent.

But if disaster does strike and you have Disaster Recovery as a Service, you can be assured that your business data will be protected, meaning one less thing that you will need to worry about at an already very stressful time.

Find out more by clicking here.

What Are
The Benefits?

Cost Effective

The pricing of DRaaS is OpEx pricing, meaning that there is no upfront Capital Expenditure for any IT infrastructure as traditionally seen with hardware based solutions.


DRaaS is a scalable solution, you can protect as little or as many Virtual Machines as your business requires, with the capacity to increase, whilst only paying for what is required.


When your workloads are on standby they will be kept in secure Data Centres, which are protected by rigorous network firewalling, ensuring that your data is safe from risk of intrusion.

Continuous Replication

Continuous Replication with DRaaS avoids any data snap shots, which in turn minimises any impact upon  your business production environment from the snapshot process.

Storage Agnostic

You will be pleased to know that being storage agnostic means that you will not have to invest in any new hardware as we will replicate your virtual machines from premises to cloud.


Our Performance feature means that you will always have the most recent version of your data if the service was needed, without having a negative impact upon your production environment.

Cost Effective

The pricing of DRaaS is OpEx pricing, meaning that there is no upfront Capital Expenditure for any IT infrastructure as traditionally seen with hardware based solutions.


DRaaS is a scalable solution, you can protect as little or as many Virtual Machines as your business requires, with the capacity to increase, whilst only paying for what is required.


When your workloads are on standby they will be kept in secure Data Centres, which are protected by rigorous network firewalling, ensuring that your data is safe from risk of intrusion.

Continuous Replication

Continuous Replication with DRaaS avoids any data snap shots, which in turn minimises any impact upon  your business production environment from the snapshot process.

Storage Agnostic

You will be pleased to know that being storage agnostic means that you will not have to invest in any new hardware as we will replicate your virtual machines from premises to cloud.


Our Performance feature means that you will always have the most recent version of your data if the service was needed, without having a negative impact upon your production environment.

Partnering with


Data Installation & Supplies strive to fully understand the challenges faced by our customers.

We will discuss exactly what has led your business to consider implementing a new, or improved solution, liaising in depth to discover the driving force for the business.


Following our complete understanding of the challenges or the resolution you’re aiming for we can discuss appropriate solutions.

Whether this be offering a resolution to assist an existing problem and advise of the changes that are required, or an original solution for something your business is looking to achieve.


When the design is agreed and your business is completely satisfied with our proposed solutions then contracts will be signed.

We will take full control of the project, liaising with both your business and any service providers who will carry out surveys and any external aspects such as line installations.


We pride ourselves on our support contracts, which are tailored to meet your specific business requirements.

Our Support contracts cover Hardware Support, Software Support, Physical Security Support and Planned Preventative Maintenance.

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Cloud & Data

Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS)
