Security of Cloud

Today’s post addresses the misconception that organisations may have, surrounding the security of cloud.

We’ll aim to provide a short introduction into why cloud is secure, and how it’s a reliable solution for organisations.

The post will provide a generalised insight… To determine the most appropriate solution for your specific needs and compliance requirements, please contact us and our experienced engineering team can support you further.

Cloud computing is proving revolutionary for organisations. It’s providing them with the facility to remove the ongoing mainanance and management costs of looking after their IT infrastructure on-premise. Likewise, the capital expense of purchasing new hardware as needed. Not to mention the other benefits, including scalability, flexibility and strategic values…

But many organisations still don’t trust cloud to be a secure solution, particularly as a place to store their business-critical assets. so what measures are in place to address the leading misconceptions:

Robust security measures:

Cloud service providers take their responsibility towards the security of cloud seriously.

This is through investing in and implementing the latest and most robust security measures.

This protects both data and the infrastructure. Many of the leading cloud providers adhere to compliance frameworks, such as ISO27001, to ensure that they have the most stringent security protocols in place.

Data encryption:

A fundamental aspect of cloud security is encryption. A technique deployed to encrypt data both at rest (stored) or in transit (sent from one place to another) so that attackers cannot read / access or intercept the data.

Expertise and resources:

Cloud providers employ staff (full departments) who are security experts, whose job is to monitor, detect and alleviate security threats.

These professional are at the forefront of understanding and applying the latest security trends, vulnerabilities and best practices to protect the cloud infrastructure, maintaining resiliency against attack, breach or unauthorised access.


Cloud providers continuously conduct security audits, penetration testing and compliance assessments, to validate their security controls, and safeguard regulatory requirements.

Continuous monitoring:

As with any cyber security, cloud is a dynamic environment, with the threat landscape continually evolving. As such, providers deploy continuous monitoring, threat intelligence and associated tools to be proactive in their attitude towards security, enabling them to identify and react to threats in realtime.

Hopefully, if you were in the mindset that cloud isn’t secure enough, today’s post has helped. You should now understand that it offers a secure and reliable solution for storing, processing, and managing your data and applications.

Of course, we appreciate you will still have lots of questions, which is where our engineering team take over.

Please contact Data installation & Supplies Ltd (DIS) on 01274 869099 or and our team will provide you wih further information.